Data Science Services
Predictive Analytics
Business Analytics
Big Data
Smart City Components
Video Analytics
Web Analytics
Urban Data Analytics
Block Chain Applications
Building Information Modelling
CCTV video metrics
Real time traffic streamed data
Control room setting up for urban planning and transport monitoring
Gold house crime behavior monitoring
CCTV installation and pay per use data supply
Traffic data analysis ( CCTV and AI)
Traffic Speed camera installation along major roads
Mobility hubs
Urban transport planning and modelling
Highway design
Parking survey
​Pedestrian and cyclist survey
Origin destination survey
IPT survey
Intersection improvement design
Traffic volume and intersection count
Construction Engineering
Traditional building design and execution
Building sales , lease documentations for NRIs and POI, OIC cards holders
Earthquake resistance building design
Park and playground development, landscaping
Infrastructure and Urban Planning
Urban transport planning
Infrastructure planning​
Township design and development
Water supply design
Sewage network design
Water resource modelling
Environmental engineering
Environmental impact assessment
Strategic environmental assessment
Technical services, Management and financial consultancies
ISO certification
Green building certification
GIS and Remote sensing solutions
GIS solutions
Remote sensing services
Engineering Survey ( GPS,DGPS Drone, LiDAR,Total station, GPR)
AutoCAD services
Aryabhata was a great mathematician, astronomer from India and Prof.Dr.Heinrich Brandt was a great mathematician from Germany. The company ABUA Pvt Ltd aspires to have German work ethics and Indian excellence, applicable for local scenarios. Moreover, the company is currently dealing with Urban transport planning, design,traffic & transportation studies, EIA & SEA studies, green certifications and urban data analytics .
Year Established
On going
Consultants Appointed
Awards Won
The ABUA started in 2021, with experts from different domains, who studied and worked together for a decade. A decade level professional and friendship kindled our thought process to work together during pandemic time period, which extended and evolved as a small start up company in the area of urban analytics solution. Each one of our team members have more than two decades of professional experience in Urban planning, transport planning, remote sensing and GIS domains and worked in different parts of the World. Moreover, we are focusing on Master plan, City development plan, Detailed development plan, Comprehensive traffic and transportation studies, Traffic operation and management plan, City mobility plan, Non-motorist transport plan, Transit oriented development plan preparations across India.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 044- 4206 5293 or fill out the following form
Contact Us
Head Office
Aryabhata Brandt Urban Analytics Pvt Ltd.,
17 / 1 G , Raja flats, 1st cross street,
Rangaraja Puram,Srinagar Colony, Saidapet,Chennai 600 015
Tamil Nadu
Employment and Internships
To apply for a job with ABUA Pvt Ltd., please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: [email protected]
Get a quote: 044-4206 5293